3rd Grade Homepage
Welcome to 3rd grade, this year is going to be awesome. In third grade your child will be making a big shift in reading, they go from learning HOW to read to reading to LEARN. One way you can help promote your child's love for learning is to have them read every night. A great way to get your kids ready for math is to have them practice their multiplication facts.
7:15 Doors open
7:15-7:40 Breakfast in the cafeteria
7:40-7:55 Library/AR time
8:00-9:20 Block A
9:20-10:40 Block B
10:40-12:00 Block C
12:05-12:35 Lunch
12:35-12:55 Recess
1:00-1:50 PE/MUsic
1:55-2:55 Intervention
2:55-3:25 Science ALL
3:25-3:35 Dismissal
Please do not allow your child to bring a toy to school. They are a distraction throughout the day and can cause disagreements as well. Thank you!
If you need to contact your child's teacher, please use Parent Square. It sends us a text, email, and notification on the Parent Square app. Thanks!
Also, if it pertains to a certain subject, please contact the teacher of that subject.
- Math/Science - Ms. Sanders
- Reading / Social Studies/Science - Ms. Jefferson
- Writing / Science - Mrs. Skaggs
- Breakfast will be in the cafeteria from 7:15-7:40 am every morning.