Library » Adopt-A-Book


Thought about adoption? 

If you would like to donate a book for your child and the entire school to enjoy, you may want to join our Adopt-a-Book Program.  Through this program, you can commemorate a child’s birthday, memorialize a loved one, or honor a teacher or friend.  A library book is a gift that gives to many for a very long time!

The “adoption fee” is $15.00 per book, which covers the price of the book as well as processing and shipping.  A book plate will be placed in the book, proclaiming the donor, the occasion, and person being honored.  Your child will also have the honor of being the first to check out the book before it is placed on the shelves for all to enjoy.  

Your adoption of a new, high-quality library book will help maintain our collection of exciting and engaging new books. 

To adopt a book, contact the library, or fill out and print the order form below with your choices and return to the library.  When the book is available, your child will be notified, so he/she can be the first to check it out.

Thank you for supporting Moody Elementary Library.


Moody Elementary Library Adopt-a-Book Program

Student’s Name_______________________________


Occasion (birthday, in memory of, in honor of, etc.)

Choice 1 Title_________________________________

Choice 2 Title_________________________________

Choice 3 Title_________________________________

OR Select a category:

Picture Book ____   Fiction ____   Arts____   Poetry___

Biography____ Science____  Social Studies____Math___

Fairy Tale____Religion____  Animals ____

Make checks to: Moody Elementary School Library