Gifted and Talented in Action
Moody Independent School District
Gifted/Talented Services K–4
“Every child deserves to learn a year’s worth of new material.”
At Moody ISD we are committed to meeting the needs of all students, including the gifted and talented population. Our students have many gifts and talents that range from academics to art, performance, music, and athletics. The services described below address the advanced academic needs of gifted and talented (G/T) students in the four core areas. We are committed to placing G/T students in classes that meet their needs academically, as well as nurturing their gifts and talents in other areas, such as creativity and leadership.
Elementary Services
Moody Elementary has at least one G/T-trained teacher at every 1st- 4th grade classrooms. These teachers are trained to differentiate their curriculum to meet the needs of the G/T students in their classes. They are trained to advance students out of the content/skills they have already mastered and move students on to new learning. In these classrooms, you will see flexible grouping, tiered instruction, centers, and higher level thinking.
On the elementary campus there is also one trained Gifted and Talented teacher that does pull-outs for one hour per grade level per week. These G/T students are strategically placed in small groups to enhance their learning. During this time, students will learn, create, and present material that is geared towards their individual talents. Along with higher level thinking, students also complete open-ended tasks, independent study, and student choice when appropriate.
They are introduced to studies in other areas of learning as well. The Texas Performance Standards Project ( is an example of one program that will be used as a guide for the independent study projects.